Divide and Conquer: With the trio proving more effective than Pete anticipated, he has his men opt for this.Distressed Damsel: Minnie and Daisy both get kidnapped by the Beagle Boys working for Captain Pete, and it's up to the Musketeers to save them.Disaster Dominoes: Between Mickey's short height, Goofy's stupidity and Donald's cowardice, they manage to screw up cleaning so badly Pete's bathtub falls several stories while he was in it, and they weren't even on the same floor.Cue the Flying Pigs: At his low moment, Donald declares he'll be a musketeer if cows fall from the sky.Creepy Crossdresser: Pete has his smallest henchman pose as Minnie in order to fake a succession ceremony.Cowardly Lion: In contrast to most depictions of him, Donald is portrayed as a Lovable Coward who needs to overcome his cowardice in order to become a musketeer.

Covered in Kisses: Daisy Duck does this to Donald at the end of the film.They even autographed Mickey's hat, which has the correct number of four signatures. Continuity Cameo: The Musketeers from the book save Mickey, Donald and Goofy when the latter were children.It instead reveals his familiar red shorts. Comedic Underwear Exposure: Subverted when one of the villain's lackeys rips Mickey's clothes to shreds.Chekhov's Gun: The Disaster Dominoes sequence.Changed My Mind, Kid: Donald stops being a coward and goes to help Goofy save Mickey after hearing the Troubadour berate him.Donald is also shown wearing his trademark sailor suit under his uniform when he decides to quit being a musketeer. Cue Mickey making his well-known stock pose before cut to the next frame. Call-Back: During the first fight with the Beagle Boys, one of them slice through Mickey's musketeer uniform, revealing his trademark outfit underneath.Breaking the Fourth Wall: The Troubadour does it repeatedly, and Pete does it briefly.Bond Villain Stupidity: Instead of killing Mickey, Pete locks him up in a dungeon that will be flooded with water and leaves, allowing Goofy and Donald to come and rescue him.Beta Couple: Donald and Daisy, with Goofy and Clarabelle forming a Gamma Couple.